Due to Covid-19, the Construction industry has been affected severely by the measures put in place. There have also been labour shortage among the migrant worker population even after the reopening of lockdown.

In spite of the restart, there are still many challenges that the Construction industry will face.

What can you do to solve the labour crunch?

You can source for workers in the Marine industry and convert them over into the Construction industry.

The shortage of Marine industry workers is not as severe as the Construction industry and it is easier to convert than to source for a Construction worker.

What is the Skills Evaluation Certificate?

The Skills Evaluation Certificate (SEC) and Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge) (SEC(K)) schemes are initiatives by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to raise skills, productivity and safety in the construction sector.

Who needs the certificate?

Workers from the following countries require a SEC or SEC(K) before working as a Construction worker in Singapore:

People’s Republic of China

Non-Traditional sources (NTS)

  • India
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand
  • Bangladesh
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines

North Asian sources (NAS)

  • Hong Kong (HKSAR passport)
  • Macau
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan

If you need more information regarding any of the schemes and find out how you can upgrade your workforce and cut your costs at the same time, call us at 67413131 or email us at hello@aesperon.com.sg for a no obligations enquiry!

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