BCA released a circular to inform all contractors and developers regarding the temporary easing of restrictions for workers from PRC to be recruited without enrolling in OTCs.
From now until 6th November 2021, new PRC Work Permit Holders are allowed to obtain their skills certificate in Singapore.
With the introduction of this scheme, employers are permitted to bring in PRC WPHs who meet other criteria mandated by Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
Entry Approval
Work Pass
Employers are strongly encouraged to send their workers for skills certification as soon as possible. Though the scheme allows new PRC WPHs to have until their pass expiry to obtain their skills certification, the workers’ levy rates will be increased by $250/month if they fail to do so within 3 months of their pass issuance date.
Selected Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs) are already accepting applications. Employers will be informed within three working days upon registration to prepare their workers for departure to Singapore. Thereafter, employers will be advised by ATTCs to submit work permit application and entry approval.
If you need more information regarding any of the schemes and find out how you can upgrade your workforce and cut your costs at the same time, call us at 67413131 or email us at hello@aesperon.com.sg for a no obligations enquiry!