What Is SEC(K) Scheme?

SEC(K), which stands for Skills Evaluation Certificate (Knowledge), is a skills certification framework conducted by the Building and Construction Authority to assess a worker’s competency and skill in a particular construction trade.

Workers can apply for SEC(K) at the BCA Academy or at the BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs). Companies can also apply for their workers to take the 2nd SEC(K) at Overseas Test Centres (OTCs).

In the event that the worker has less than 4 years of construction experience in Singapore and only the first SEC/SEC(K), employers are unable to submit a Multi-Skilling application for the applicant as per the requirement.

If you need more information regarding any of the schemes and registration process or find out how you can upgrade your workforce and cut your costs at the same time, call us at 67413131 or email us at hello@aesperon.com.sg for a no-obligation enquiry!

The difference between SEC(K) and CoreTrade/Multi-Skill Scheme

Multi-Skilling Scheme

As we know, the Multi-Skilling scheme was developed following feedback from the industry on the need for more upgrading pathways for construction workers. It is an alternative pathway for them to progress from “Basic Skilled” R2 workers to “Higher Skilled” R1 workers under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM)’s Foreign Worker Levy.

Multi-Skilling workers offer greater flexibility in deployment on site and hence help to enhance productivity by reducing productivity downtime. This will benefit firms as they will be able to deliver their construction work with lesser workers.

CoreTrade Scheme

While the CoreTrade Scheme recognizes those workers specializing in key construction trades, i.e. possessing “deep” skills, the Multi-Skilling scheme complements the CoreTrade scheme by recognizing experienced workers who are competent in multiple trade skills or have completed 120 training hours of approved safety courses.

Apart from equipping your workers with new knowledge and additional technical skills, your company can benefit by having them recognized by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Building and Construction Authority (BCA) and upgrading them into Higher-Skilled Workers.

Employers will be able to pay a lower levy rate and extended maximum period of employment, upon upgrading their construction personnel with a BCA-approved training course like CoreTrade.

Benefits Of SEC(K)

Benefits Of SEC(K)

The SEC(K) scheme allows workers in the construction industry to upskill to an R1 worker, thereby lowering their foreign worker levies. The Direct R1 Scheme was implemented in 2015 to provide another alternative pathway for the industry to upgrade its construction workers.

It allows those who pass the SEC(K) test at a higher skill level and draw a fixed monthly salary of $1,600 or more, to be considered R1 (Higher Skilled) workers; under the Ministry of Manpower Tiered-Levy Scheme.

Foreign Worker Levies in 2022

To employ migrant workers in the construction sector, you will have to meet specific requirements for workers’ source country or region, quota, and levy.

These requirements are additional and specific to the construction sector. You should also refer to the general Work Permit conditions and requirements.

For an updated foreign worker’s levy rate in 2022, please visit this page.

How To Lower Levy For Foreign Workers?

If you are a construction company based in Singapore and are hiring or planning to hire more foreign workers, here are 3 ways you can lower foreign worker levies and save up to $4,200 per worker per year in 2022!

Here Are 3 Ways You Can Lower Levy For Foreign Workers In 2022:

  1. Upskill To An R1 Worker Using Coretrade
  2. Upskill To An R1 Worker Using Multi Skill
  3. Upskill To An R1 Worker Using SEC(K)

Our Most Popular SEC(K) Course

Our Most Popular SEC(K) Course

About SEC(K) Painting Course

What you will benefit from this course:
Lowered levies for construction companies when workers are SEC-K certified
Meet BCA 10% RI requirement for construction companies (direct R1)
Longer working years and higher employability in Singapore for construction workers

This course aims to provide trainees with knowledge and skills in painting. They will be trained to recognize different types of paint, techniques of application, and proper handling of painting tools and equipment. More importantly, trainees will be taught to practice good painting habits and worksite safety relating to painting. The course consists of the following topics:

  • General Knowledge & Safety in Painting Works
  • Painting Materials and Estimation
  • Methods of Application
  • Quality & Defects in Painting
  • Practical Projects

Trainers of different nationalities (Chinese, Bangladeshi, and Indian) will be present to assist workers during the training.

More information on our painting course can be found here.

How To Apply For SEC(K) Courses?

Workers can apply for SEC(K) at the BCA Academy or at the BCA Approved Training and Testing Centres (ATTCs). Companies can also apply for their workers to take the 2nd SEC(K) at the Overseas Test Centres (OTCs).

In the event that the worker has less than 4 years of construction experience in Singapore and only the first SEC/SEC(K), employers are unable to submit a Multi-Skilling application for the applicant as per the requirement.

If you need more information regarding any of the schemes and registration process or find out how you can upgrade your workforce and cut your costs at the same time, call us at 67413131 or email us at hello@aesperon.com.sg for a no obligations enquiry!

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